Business & Finance

The Learning Module is all about money, finance and money management for your business. Please watch the Introductory Video below and then complete all of the six lessons.

Lesson 1: Managing The Money

Create a cash flow forecast for your business: your financial early warning system and way to check whether your business is on track.

Click here to download the support document

Lesson 2: Cashflow Forecast

A spreadsheet that you can use to help plan out the finances of your business: to see whether you will be better off, and by how much.

Click here to download the support document

Lesson 3: Funding

Do you really need funding? What are the options?

Click here to download the support document

Lesson 4: Bookkeeping & Banking

How to choose a business bank account and stay on top of your finances.

Click here to download the support document

Lesson 5: Tax & National Insurance 

Know what taxes are relevant to your business and where to go for more information.

Click here to download the support document

Lesson 6: Personal Budgeting

When you run your own business your weekly income can go up and down. Check what you need to do stay on top of this, and to plan for any tax bills.

Click hereto download the support document


If you have completed all of the lessons above, you are ready to go to the next learning module, which is Running Your Business. To go straight to this section click here.