Social Media

This Social Media module contains 9 video lessons. Simply watch them in the order presented below.


With video learning, it is wise to get into the habit of using the PAUSE button on the video. This means you could be following and doing some of the recommended actions in the video in another window in your browser. Simply PAUSE, DO and then come back to the guide video 

Lesson 1: Introduction to Social Media Marketing

Lesson 2: How to set up a Facebook Page

Lesson 3: How to get Facebook Likes

Lesson 4: How to boost a Facebook Post

Lesson 5: How to create a Facebook Advert

Lesson 6: The benefits of a Facebook Group


Lesson 7: Google Account Overview

Lesson 8: Twitter Account Overview


Lesson 9: How To Build A Free Website

CONGRATULATIONS…if you have finished watching all of the videos above, you should now have the essential knowledge of how to set up and use the key Social Media channels to support you business.

Please do be patient with yourself as you attempt these tasks. It does take a little getting familiar with. However, it is worth the time and effort.

If you would like to go to the next section, which is Business & Finance, you can go directly there by clicking here